How Long Does a Latent Fingerprint Last on an Object?

September 12, 2024 | By admin | Filed in: Others.

Latent imprints on glass, porcelain and other delicate objects can stay on the surface for years if the latent imprint is in a well-projected location. It is not unusual for an imprint to form several months after it was first made. For example, there are cases where fingerprints form on porous surfaces (paper) 40 years after their deposition.

It is important to note that the nature of the matrix of the latent fingerprint may affect whether the latent fingerprint will survive the environmental conditions. An oily fingerprint on a piece of glass can last for months in water or years if found in a basement. Temperature and humidity interact to affect how long a fingerprint stays on any surface. Some surfaces, such as glass or metal, can hold fingerprints well.

In a paper published in 2014, Simon Bunter reviews previous scientific research and case studies that address how long identifiable fingerprints can stay on external surfaces.

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